Entries by mbinkley

Diabetes News – October 2019

October is National Blindness Awareness Month In August we acknowledged National Eye Exam Month and to re-cap: Diabetes is the leading cause of preventable new onset blindness in working-age adults. Diabetic retinopathy is the most common eye disease for people with diabetes. It occurs when the small blood vessels in the eye are damaged by high […]

Diabetes News – Sept 2019

September is National Cholesterol Education Month What is cholesterol? Cholesterol is a waxy, fat-like substance found in your body and many foods. Your body needs cholesterol to function normally and makes all that you need. Too much cholesterol can build up in your arteries. After a while, these deposits narrow your arteries, putting you at […]

Diabetes News – August 2019

August is National Eye Exam Month Diabetes is the leading cause of preventable new onset blindness in working-age adults. Diabetic retinopathy is the most common eye disease for people with diabetes. It occurs when the small blood vessels in the eye are damaged by high levels of glucose in the blood. Anyone with type 1 or […]

Diabetes News – July 2019

July is National Picnic Month Picnics hearken back to mid-18th-century al fresco French dining. July is an excellent time for National Picnic Month. The fresh air stirs the appetite, and garden vegetables and fruits make outdoor eating easier. Remember to keep the meals simple and focus on the company. Sandwiches, finger foods, and beverages may […]

Diabetes News – April 2019

April is National Gardening Month What Are Some of the Health Benefits of Gardening With Diabetes? Exercise is one of the main benefits. Did you know to clear land for 30 minutes burns around 200 calories while weeding for 30 minutes burns about 182 calories, and planting bulbs or seeds for half an hour burns […]